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Natural oils

Model: 348-
Масло виноградных косточек: полезные свойства и способы применения Масло косточек винограда — это ценный продукт, который обладает комплексным действием и применяется как в народной медицине, так и в косметологии. Добывается он путём холодного..
4 850.00 тг
In Stock
Model: 354-
Арахисовое маслоОбщее описаниеРодина дикого арахиса, известного в народе также как «китайский орех», «земляной орех», «китайская фисташка», неизвестна доподлинно. По распространенной гипотезе в XVII веке этот продукт, используемый плантаторами Но..
2 820.00 тг
In Stock
Model: 350-
Польза тыквенного масла Это зеленоватое масло с богатым ореховым ароматом почтительно называют «зелёным золотом». Продукт был изобретён сравнительно недавно — около 300 лет назад. До этого тыкву культивировали индейцы Централь..
5 250.00 тг
In Stock
Model: 355-
Полезные свойства и применение кунжутного масла Кунжутное масло известно с древних времен: его использовали в Греции и Риме, Индии, Африке, Аравии, Юго-Западной Азии, Китае. Об уникальных свойствах и применении этого продукта ..
9 360.00 тг
In Stock
Model: 351-
Масло чёрного тмина: полезные свойства и применения Густое красно-коричневое масло из семян чёрного тмина известно человечеству с древнейших времён. Оно было обнаружено в сосудах гробницы фараона Тутанхамона, жившего 3 тыс. ле..
5 000.00 тг
In Stock
Model: Product 19
Cocoa butter is perfect for making chocolate, thick creams, cakes or fruit candies. Has a pleasant smell of chocolate.Butter is obtained by squeezing fermented cocoa beans under heavy pressure. Heavily heated (above 60C) or oxidized under the action ..
1 000.00 тг
In Stock
Model: 352-
Кокосовое маслоПолезное масло кокоса получают из копры (высушенная мякоть ореха) кокосовой пальмы. Затвердевшую мякоть кокоса при производстве масла сначала отделяют от его скорлупы, потом очищенную копру высушивают, измельчают, а уже после этого ..
4 450.00 тг
In Stock
Model: Product 19
Cocoa butter is an indispensable ingredient in the preparation of chocolate. Try to make chocolate with your own hands - this is a simple and very pleasant culinary experience for the whole family, but also a wonderful gift!Here is one of the basic r..
1 000.00 тг
In Stock
Model: Product 19
Organic coconut oil 450 ml - AROY-D, Indonesia Organic coconut oil contains vitamins, minerals and trace elements that are good for immunity.Cold pressed coconut oil has an incredible aroma and nutritional properties.Lauric acid in coconut protects t..
1 000.00 тг
Out Of Stock
Model: Product 19
Environmentally friendly product. Omega 3 content - 57%. The proposed flaxseed oil has the highest content of the necessary, not produced by the body polyunsaturated fatty acid Omega-3. It is this acid that enters the body, is the best means of preve..
1 000.00 тг
Out Of Stock
Model: Product 19
The benefits of saffron oil have been known since ancient times. In ancient times, valuable astringent ryzhik oil was obtained from yellowish-red ryzhik seeds. Its nutritional value is similar to sesame oil. Therefore, saffron oil is sometimes called..
1 000.00 тг
In Stock
Model: Product 19
It is made from the germs of corn grains. It has a bright color and aroma. Suitable for frying. The source of vitamin E is the basics of immune system health. Helps strengthen blood vessels and removes cholesterol. Has a choleretic effect.Ingredients..
1 000.00 тг
In Stock
Model: Product 19
An excellent base for sauces, marinades and dressings, which will give recognizable shades of Asian cuisine to any dish. Raw seeds contain the valuable substance sesamolin, which is a powerful antioxidant and protects cells from aging and the damagin..
1 000.00 тг
Out Of Stock
Model: Product 19
Organic coconut oil contains vitamins, minerals and trace elements that are good for immunity.Cold pressed coconut oil has an incredible aroma and nutritional properties.Lauric acid in coconut protects the body from viruses and bacteria.The product i..
1 000.00 тг
Out Of Stock
Model: Product 19
The oil is squeezed from flax of the Kudryash variety, Volgograd region.Flaxseed oil is the richest source of fatty acids needed by a person to maintain good health and physical health. A prerequisite for flaxseed oil to be useful is cold pressing. T..
1 000.00 тг
Out Of Stock
Model: Product 19
Mustard oil is a source of a balanced set of essential fatty acids. The combination of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids contribute to: coordinated work of the cardiovascular system (prevent the development of atherosclerosis, preventing the deposition..
1 000.00 тг
Out Of Stock
Model: Product 19
Refined ghee (pure ghee oil) is pure milk fat without antioxidants and other additives. Ghee oil in Ayurveda is considered one of the most sattvic products. Sattvic means benevolent. Ghee is a product that carries the purest energy of fire on earth. ..
1 000.00 тг
Out Of Stock
Model: Product 19
Safflower oil appeared in the Kazakhstan market after the USA, Western Europe and Japan!"SAFLORIA" - the highest quality oil, deep yellow color, obtained from safflower seeds. Safflower is an oil crop, an annual plant of the Aster family, or Composit..
1 000.00 тг
Out Of Stock
Model: Product 19
Gorlinka mustard oil is a natural organic product of the highest grade, obtained by cold (up to 50 ° C) pressing of mustard seeds."Gorlinka" is a light oil with an amber tint, has a special transparency. The smell is delicate, the taste is light, wit..
1 000.00 тг
In Stock
Model: 349-
Кукурузное масло: польза и вред для организма Здоровое питание в последние годы приобретает все большую популярность, а люди интересуются, какие продукты ценны и безопасны для организма. Куку..
2 000.00 тг
In Stock

Many vegetable oils have remarkable beneficial properties. Moreover, each of them has its own distinctive useful features that other oils do not possess. Therefore, it is recommended to eat several types of healthy oils. The inclusion of vegetable oils in the diet brings a valuable fatty component to the diet. After all, oils have many unique beneficial qualities. They contain mono- and polyunsaturated fatty acids (including those that cannot be synthesized in our body).