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Мука цельнозерновая безглютеновая, смеси

Model: Product 17
Chickpea flour is widely used in cooking, from a variety of pastries and sauces to sweets. Due to the unique composition of chickpeas, chickpea flour is also considered a valuable dietary food. Chickpea bean flour is a good source of potassium, calci..
1 000.00 тг
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Model: Product 17
Almond flour is rich in vitamin PP, riboflavin and calcium. The use of almond flour helps to restore and strengthen nails, bones and hair. Also, flour contains zinc, selenium and magnesium.Almond flour increases hemoglobin, strengthens the cardiovasc..
1 000.00 тг
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Model: Product 6
Fermented rye malt (red) has long been used in Russia for the preparation of custard varieties of bread, confectionery, brewing, and also serves as the main raw material for the preparation of kvass and other drinks.It is red malt that gives the brea..
200.00 тг
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Model: Product 17
Ingredients: powdered crushed dried coconut pulp, which remains after pressing coconut oilIdeal for making cakes, baking bread, muffins, cookies, cocktails, sauces, replaces almond flour.Coconut flour is a gluten-free flour.The main use of coconut fl..
1 000.00 тг
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Model: Product 6
Psillium is an excellent source of soluble fiber: the content of dietary fiber in the product is significantly higher than in other analogues. The consumption of psyllium has a beneficial effect on digestion, normalizes blood sugar and cholesterol le..
200.00 тг
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Model: Product 6
Wheat for flour The breadbasket of health hails from the fields of the Penza region. Mineral fertilizers and chemicals have not been used in these fields for 20 years. The method by which wheat is grown is unique. In ancient times, only this technolo..
200.00 тг
2-3 Days
Model: 356-
Тыквенная мука: что это такое и "с чем ее едят"? Прибытие на кораблях Колумба в Европу «солнечного овоща жизни», как в 15 веке прозвали тыкву, сразу было оценено местным населением по достоинству. Благодаря ценным пищевым и..
410.00 тг
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Model: 360-
Овсяная мука: польза и вред для организма Сегодня все более актуальным становится здоровый образ жизни и использование диетических продуктов, полезных для организма и не содержащих избыточног..
520.00 тг
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Model: 361-
Полбяная мука: польза и вред для человекаВ ряде исторических источников указано, что родиной полбы – прародителя пшеницы, являются средиземноморские страны. Позже крупа распространилась по всему миру, а на наших столах она появилась примерно в 17 ..
520.00 тг
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Model: Product 6
Whole-wheat flour is a bio-product produced in strict accordance with the principles of organic farming:the grain was not genetically modified;fields in an ecologically favorable area of ​​the Tula region;environmentally friendly arable soil cultivat..
200.00 тг
2-3 Days
Model: 357-
Конопляная мука: польза и вред для здоровья Мука, которая получается при переработке семян такого растения, как конопля, известна с древних времен. Семена данной культуры применялись при изго..
680.00 тг
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Model: 358-
Мука из расторопши Мука расторопши представляет собой обработанные и перемолотые в порошок семена растения. Именно в зернах травы содержится комплекс полезных веществ и элементов, способных оздоровить и омолодить организм человека. Мука отличается..
440.00 тг
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Model: Product 17
Amaranth flour is a healthy food product. Amaranth flour does not contain gluten.The special value of amaranth due to the presence of a substance such as squalene, which has a strong antioxidant effect, is recommended for atherosclerosis and coronary..
1 000.00 тг
Out Of Stock
Model: Product 17
Flaxseed flour is a lively and natural product created from selected flax seeds, ground on stone millstones. Eating flaxseed meal is a new and innovative approach to taking care of your health. Flaxseed flour is extremely rich in trace elements and v..
1 000.00 тг
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Model: 362-
Рисовая мука: польза и вред для организма Незначительное изменение в рецепте способно кардинально преобразить блюдо, поэтому, если вам надоело однообразие в меню или вы хотите оздоровить орга..
600.00 тг
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Model: 359-
Кукурузная мука: польза и вред для здоровья Кукурузная мука – это измельченные в порошок зерна сладкой кукурузы. Отсутствие глютена по сравнению с пшеничной мукой предоставляет возможность уп..
280.00 тг
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Model: Product 17
Oatmeal is a unique product!It is rich in vitamins of groups A, B and E, various amino acids, enzymes necessary for the human body, choline, tyrosine, it contains essential oils, sugar, copper, as well as a rich set of various trace elements, mineral..
1 000.00 тг
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Model: Product 6
Rye flour contains a unique set of trace elements, vitamins and essential amino acids. It has 5 times more fiber than wallpaper rye flour. Dietary fiber of whole rye promotes digestion and cleanses the body of toxins and toxins.Whole rye flour is ide..
200.00 тг
2-3 Days
Model: Product 17
Corn flour contains many useful substances for the body: potassium, calcium, phosphorus, iron, it does not contain gluten. The composition of cornmeal contains essential amino acids, vitamins of group B, as well as vitamin K.Due to its high content o..
1 000.00 тг
Out Of Stock
Model: Product 6
Spelled is one of the oldest and most unpretentious varieties of wheat. For its popularity and unique properties, it has received the name "black caviar of cereals." Spelled flour contains twice as much protein and gluten as regular wheat. Due to thi..
200.00 тг
2-3 Days
Model: Product 17
Application: Rice flour can be fully used in baking most confectionery products - cakes, pancakes and sweets, cheesecakes. They turn out delicious, crispy, with a beautiful granular crust and soft inside. However, it should be borne in mind that the ..
1 000.00 тг
Out Of Stock
Model: Product 17
This flour is ground from green, not thermally processed buckwheat grown in ecologically clean fields of the Altai Territory and Voronezh Region.Everyone knows pancakes made of buckwheat flour. Buckwheat flour is also recommended for baby food since ..
1 000.00 тг
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Model: Product 17
Flaxseed flour is a lively and natural product created from selected flax seeds, ground on stone millstones. Eating flaxseed meal is a new and innovative approach to taking care of your health. Flaxseed flour is extremely rich in trace elements and v..
1 000.00 тг
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Flour is such a common product. It seems that we know about her, if not everything, then almost everything. Especially that it is harmful and flour products should be avoided. The word flour hides a huge number of names of this product. Flour, it is different. It can be: wheat, rye, oats, rice, peas, buckwheat, etc. What kind of flour to use in order to preserve the figure, and it tasted good and brought benefits? The choice is very wide! There are many types of flour that can fully or partially replace wheat. Their use will make familiar dishes healthier and the cooking process more fun.